Saturday, 5 July 2014

Comparison is the death of joy.

In the Spiritual circles, there is an idea about “becoming better” that is, “ascending,” reaching a higher level, etc.
This belief has originated by applying the ways of our human society into something which is not related with the logic of “pros and cons.”
In fact, we are always becoming. But becoming “better” implies a comparison as if our current state was a finished product.
We cannot compare. That is an illusion.
Spike is not a better dog than Oggy. Neither “I am better now” than before… for that “before” was a necessary component for the one we could be today.
Life is a continuous process. It is not dissected into time slots.
In the “real” human world, we believe that we become “better” by acquiring things: A degree, a license, a certificate, a diploma, a house, a plane, etc.
In the reality of consciousness, it is the opposite. As we become empty of “things” in our head and feelings, we could be “clean,” “pristine,” etc.
This obviously does not mean to be “better.” It is just to experience another state of being.
For example, if we watch the moon; Could we say that the moon is “better” when it is a full moon?
No. The different phases of the moon are interrelated and one phase will bring another.
But the human mind has been conditioned to compare. It is that comparison which does not allow our minds to enjoy the “moment” or the experience of being.
There is always something else to “achieve.” :-)
When we take that mentality into a spiritual path, that conditioning will bring a greater ego.
Don’t you want to go to “Paradise” because it is “better”?
Don’t you want to “achieve” that?
Wouldn’t you like to possess the title of “a chosen one”?
That is why, it is relevant to look at the mind, our conditioning, our beliefs, our ideas.
There cannot be a different consciousness “magically.” We need to be aware for that to happen.
The steps of the spiritual walker are meant to stop in the lonely valley, by the lake of experiences so he can look at himself in that reflection.
The form of that reflection appears in complete solitude.
Looking deeply at “yourself” is not something that everyone is prepared to do. Paradoxically, most will run away from themselves, immediately looking for the comforts of ‘mainstream.’
In life we are learning different things.
Life will give us a time to learn and change. Once that time has elapsed; the Drama of life will move on whether we have changed or not.
If we have not, we will experience the consequences of not flowing with the call of time.
We will suffer.
But that suffering is in itself a way to dissolve the heavy self, so the experience cannot be “bad,” but necessary.
Some may say: “But it is “better” not to suffer…”
Now we could see that “better” is an illusion… a “nice” word... :-)
There is an experience. Different experiences. All necessary.

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