Friday, 11 July 2014

Essence of Murli (Eng.): July 11, 2014

Essence of Murli (Eng.): July 11, 2014:
Essence: Sweet children, the land of peace is the home of pure souls. If you want to go to that home, become completely pure.
Question: What guarantee does the Father give all of you children?
Answer: Sweet children, remember Me and I guarantee that you will go to My home without experiencing punishment. Just attach your heart to the one Father. While looking at this old world, do not see it. While living in this world, demonstrate how to remain pure and Baba will definitely give you the sovereignty of the world.
Essence for Dharna:
1. In order to be loved by the Father, become complete beggars. To forget your body and consider yourself to be a soul is to become a beggar. In order to claim the biggest prize from the Father, demonstrate how to become completely pure.
2. You have to return home and this is why you must not attach your heart to the old world. Attach your heart to only the one Beloved. Remember the Father and the kingdom.
Blessing: May you be an intense effort-maker who remains constantly ever ready by considering every moment to be the final moment.
There is no guarantee of your final moment and, therefore remain ever ready by considering every moment to be your final moment. Ever ready means to be an intense effort-maker. Do not think that there is still some time before destruction takes place and so you will be ready at that time; no. Every moment is the final moment and you must therefore, remain constantly free from attachment, free from sinful thoughts, free from any waste. Let there be no waste at all for only then can you be said to be ever ready. Even if any task still remains to be done, your stage should always be beyond, and whatever then happens it will be good.

Slogan: To take the law into your own hands is to have a trace of anger too.

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