Saturday, 5 July 2014

To finish the consciousness of “I” and “mine” is to become equal and perfect.

To finish the consciousness of “I” and “mine” is to become equal and perfect.

“Baba, Baba” should be remembered at every second and at every thought and the consciousness of “mine” should be finished. When there is no consciousness of “I”, there is no consciousness of “mine”. “My nature, my sanskar, my nature, my duty, my name and fame”: the consciousness of “mine” in all these should finish. There should be no consciousness of “I”, even in your dreams.

This is the final sacrificial offering through which the final drums of victory will sound. Spread the sound of this final sacrifice from your hearts in a collective form. You will become bestowers of blessings, and bless all souls. You will be the souls who are Kamdhenu, those who fulfil everyone’s desires. Such souls are said to be constantly close companions. The worthy children who fulfil their promise to the Father of sitting with Him and being with Him at every second and in every step receive the blessing from the Father at this time of being a companion for birth after birth.

Check yourself as to what extent you are equal to the Father in His virtues, knowledge and service and to what extent you are His companion. Equality will bring about closeness.
Renunciation:  Renunciation means whatever you have renounced, whether a thing or a situation, you have stepped away from the consciousness of the self, and so any right to that finishes. You cannot even have a thought about that. You cannot take back something you have renounced and that which you have promised even in your thoughts.

 The first step of renunciation is: Renunciation of the consciousness of the body, that is, to step away from it. It is as though you are living in that body as a guest. Renounce the consciousness of “mine” and, while considering yourself to be a guest (mehmaan), use the body for a great task (mahaan).

The second renunciation is of all the relations of the body. When the consciousness of the body is removed, the soul becomes the master and remains constantly cheerful in mind and body.

Be a great renunciate, that is, a destroyer of attachment to lokik and alokik relationships. The sign of being a destroyer of attachment is that there would be no dislike for anyone nor any attachment or subservience. A soul who has attachment attracts the intellect with virtues and love whereas the intellect of a soul with dislike is disturbed by selfishness because of not having their selfish desires fulfilled. So, also renounce the bondage of this karma.

To be a Brahmin means to renounce sinful thoughts and sinful deeds. Renounce the wasteful because even wasteful words do not allow you to become powerful. If you do not perform sinful actions, but do perform wasteful actions, you will not then accumulate in the present or for the future.

Victorious jewels are those:
1.   who are conquerors of Maya.
2.    who have been constantly faithful to BapDada from the beginning to the end;
3.   who have been constantly placing their steps in Baba’s footsteps;
4.   who are constant and co-operative companions;
5.   who are constantly absorbed in the Father and service at every moment;
6.   who are following the highest code of conduct;

7.   who are not stepping outside the line of the most elevated code of conduct even in their thoughts.

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