Essence: Sweet children, this eternal drama continues to turn; it continues to tick away. In this, the parts of no two souls can be the same. Understand this accurately and remain constantly cheerful.
Question: With which method can you prove to everyone that God has already come?
Answer: Do not tell anyone directly that God has come. If you say this, people will laugh at you and make comments because there are many nowadays who call themselves God. Therefore, first give them the introduction of the two fathers tactfully, that one is a limited father and the other is the unlimited Father, and that a limited inheritance is received from a limited father, whereas the unlimited Father gives you an unlimited inheritance. Then, they will understand you.
Essence for Dharna:
1. It is at this time that you have to become perfect, like the Father, and claim your full inheritance. Imbibe all the Father’s teachings and become an ocean of knowledge, happiness and peace, the same as He is.
2. In order to make your intellect divine, pay full attention to your study. Have faith in the intellect and pass the examination to change from a human being into a deity.
Blessing: May you be a knowledgeable soul who finishes thoughts of harm and has mercy on those who defame you.
Even if someone insults you or causes you harm every day, let there be no feeling of dislike in your mind for that one. To have mercy on those who cause defamation is the duty of a knowledgeable soul. Just as you children insulted the Father for 63 births but in spite of that, the Father looked on you with benevolent vision, so, follow the Father in the same way. To be a knowledgeable soul means to have benevolent feelings for everyone. Let there not be the slightest thoughts that are not benevolent.
Slogan: Remain stable in the stage of manmanabhav and you will know the feelings in the minds of others.
Slogan: Remain stable in the stage of manmanabhav and you will know the feelings in the minds of others.
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